Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Temper your Temper and Drive Safe

Sometimes when you’re out on the road it’s easy to lose one’s temper. We’ve all experienced the horn blaring, cursing, aggressive driving road rage beast before, whether it was ourselves or someone else with the bad attitude. You can avoid submitting to a cranky temper with these tips:

Sleep. Seriously, sleep. A full night. No excuses. Everyone is a grouch when they don’t get enough sleep, this is just a given.

Plan ahead! It’s okay to leave early. This gives you time to be able to conquer unforeseen road difficulties without the stress.

Treat rude behavior the same way you would in a restaurant. Would you lose your cool over someone cutting you off in line at a bodega?

Probably not – it would be embarrassing. We are isolated in our cars, and feel a false sense of privacy and security while there. The truth is, everyone can see you flipping the bird and just a head’s up – nobody needs to be a lip reader to know what words you’re using.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Do You Drive Safely Near Motorcyclists?

With warm temperatures comes an increase in motorcycle traffic, and it’s important to be aware of the other vehicles sharing the road with you. Motorcycles are smaller in size, which makes them easier to miss, which can result in a collision. Motorcyclists don’t have the same kind of protection as someone in a car or truck would, which means that they are almost always injured in crashes.

If you’re expecting to see motorcycles, then you’re more likely to notice them. Pay attention especially at intersections – since they are lighter than other vehicles they can stop in shorter distances. You should leave more room between yourself and a motorcycle to avoid rear-ending them. It’s also easy to misjudge the speed of an approaching motorcycle because of its size and because it is moving towards you, so be aware of that as well.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Does Your Kid Need a Boost in Your Jeep?

Not sure if your child still needs a booster seat? Ask yourself these questions:

Does your child sit all the way against the seat?

Do your child's knees comfortably bend over the edge of the seat?

Does the seat belt cross your child's shoulder between the arm and the neck?

Does the lap belt lay low, touching your child's thighs?

Does your child stay seated like this for the duration of the car trip?

If you answered "no" to any of these questions, your child needs a booster seat. Not only will your child be protected in the event of a crash, your child will be more comfortable as well. Remember: Your child is doubly safe sitting in the back seat.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The 2014 Dodge Challenger Lives Up to It's Name!

When it comes to things going right with your vehicle, which of the following categories are important to you?
  • engine/transmission
  • ride
  • handling and braking
  • comfort/convenience
  • seats
  • cockpit/instrument panel
  • heating
  • ventilation and cooling
  • sound system
  • styling/exterior
If you said “all of them,” we can’t blame you.  They are all important factors when it comes to finding a vehicle that makes you happy– and  J.D. Power & Associates agrees.  That’s why the annual APEAL Study is conducted using the above factors as guidelines.  You deserve the best of the best– and the results are in.  Ranked best overall performance and design in its class for this year’s APEAL Study: Dodge Challenger.
Segment: Midsize Sporty Car
Competitors Left In The Rear View: Chevrolet Impala, Chrysler 300, Ford Taurus, Hyundai Genesis, Kia Cadenza, Toyota Avalon.

Come visit us to take one for a spin!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Keep on Trucking

Considering a second vehicle? Here are a few great reasons to own a truck:
Tailgating: Sports fans everywhere know that even if your team is getting creamed if you have a good tailgate party it can still be a good time.
Off-roading: Sure, sports cars are fun – but you can’t romp around in them. Puddles, dirt, gravel – it is all part of the fun when you drive a truck. And all the caked on mud? That is your badge of glory when you get home.
 Moving things: New furniture? Not a problem when you have a truck.
Outdoors activities: Nothing can buy happiness, but a truck can drive you to it – with all of your camping gear, bikes, and whatever else you need to have an awesome time.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Music over matters of the mind.

It is pretty safe to say that how we feel affects our perception of the world. Fortunately, your car stereo is on your side! Listening to the right music is like getting a chiropractic adjustment for your mood. 

Sad: While you could wallow in your sadness, it makes much more sense to turn the frown upside down. While it might seem like really happy songs would be the ‘go-to’ for this situation, they might highlight the disparity between how you feel and how you really want to feel. Why not go straight for your favorites? No matter what the genre, play a song that you could listen to on repeat! This should definitely change your focus.

Happy: If you are already happy, amp it up to the next level with something super upbeat! Techno and pop songs have light lyrics and a good beat. Listen to these to make a bright mood even brighter!

Angry: Man, don’t you just hate it when the day doesn’t go your way? When you feel frustrated, annoyed, or angry you need to breathe deep and relax. Even if you HATE classical music, its complexity and lack of lyrics will require that you do some active listening. Switching your focus through concentrating on an intricately orchestrated song will help you to take a break from what is bugging you so you can later revisit the situation with a new perspective.

Sleepy: Sleepy is a great way to feel…except for when you are driving! Stay away from techno and classical music! These music genres are like kryptonite for the sleepy driver. Instead, keep an eye out for the nearest exit or rest area and in the meantime throw on some metal or heavy rock – loud and invigorating music is an absolute must have at this point!

Relaxed – Nothing is better than relaxing music on a relaxing ride! Throw on some oldies, smooth jazz, or R&B. Any of these will enhance your already magnificent driving experience.

Unexplainable/undefined: Not sure how you feel? Neither are most Indy rockers. That is your ticket to exploring your thoughts and emotions.
Have any other mood music suggestions? Feel free to leave them in a comment!

Friday, June 27, 2014

How do men and women shop for cars?

Car Shopping for Him and Her
It’s no secret that men and women see things a little bit differently – but what does this mean for car shopping? According to an article on IOL Motoring (, the sexes shop for cars and make purchasing decisions on very different criteria:

MEN were more likely to:
Look for Looks.
Buy something ‘rugged.’
Care about performance.
Make decisions based on style.
Care about speed.
View their car choice as an extension of themselves.
Want to make a statement about being successful.

WOMEN were more likely to:
Have practical considerations.
Buy fuel-efficient cars.
Consider affordability and insurance rates.
Think about the cost of upkeep and proper maintenance.
Value safety features.
Place importance on reliability.
Evaluate cargo space.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Trip Tips for Dog Lovers

1. You should bring your own water from home.  Dogs have sensitive stomachs and water from unfamiliar places can easily cause an upset tummy for your pup.
2. Plan ahead for any medication your pooch might need while you’re traveling.  If you are able to pack extras, do so.
3. It’s always smart to bring a blanket that smells like home– people aren’t the only ones who get homesick!
4. Get your dog used to being on the road by taking him on a few short drives in the days approaching the big trip.
5. Make sure he’s micro-chipped.  Hit the road with the peace of mind that if the worst does happen, you won’t be caught unprepared.

You already know this, but we must remind you: NEVER leave your dog in your car unattended.  This is especially important during the sizzling months of summer.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Super Dad's Super Dad-Quotes

In honor of Father’s Day coming up, we thought we’d compile a list of phrases often heard from the dads in our lives.  When you were a child, was there a specific phrase was your father famous for repeating?  Be sure to join the conversation on our Twitter and Facebook!

“Don’t make me stop this car!”

“Hi, Hungry, I’m Dad.”

“When I was your age…”

“What time is it?  Time to get a watch!”

“Go ask your mother.”



Friday, June 6, 2014

Keep Cool in Your Car

Is your car working hard or working smart? There is such a thing as doing too much! AVOID doing these two things and watch your summer get a whole lot cooler.
NEVER turn your car off without switching the AC off first! Powering off your vehicle while the air is still running creates a small shock in the air conditioning system that can have damaging side effects over time. Ideally, you should switch off the AC a few blocks from your destination. It’s fine to keep the fan running.
NEVER crank your AC from 0 to full blast! We understand that it’s hot outside, but forcing your car to blast all of that energy at once doesn’t make the air cool faster. Start your AC on the lowest setting and work your way towards the smaller temps.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Basic Maintenance Know-How

We’ve all been there– you have a question about something basic…but you don’t ask it.  Chances are, someone else has been where you are and had the same confusion!  Here are some frequently asked questions (with answers!) about maintaining your car.

How often do I need to change the oil in my vehicle?
There are many variables that determine how often an oil change is needed (climate, drive time, highway or city street driving, etc.) You should refer to the Scheduled Maintenance section in your vehicle’s owner’s manual.
Should I consider using synthetic motor oil in my vehicle?
Synthetic motor oils can be a good choice for high output, turbocharged or supercharged engines. Or for vehicles that are used for towing (especially during hot weather), and vehicles that operate in extremely cold or hot climates. Although more expensive than mineral-based oils, synthetic motor oils can improve fuel economy and provide longer intervals between changes.
How often should I rotate my tires?
Your tires should be rotated every other oil change. Neglecting to rotate tires is a major cause of premature tire wear.
Is it really necessary to replace my timing belt at the recommended interval?
YES. The failure of a timing belt in many cars can result in major engine damage. The cost of repairing an engine with a broken timing belt is much greater than the cost of a timing belt replacement.
Have more questions?  Give us a call!  We’d love to talk to you.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Casual, Classy, and Crazy Car Dates

  • Go to the drive-in. Nothing says romance like buttered popcorn, a large soda with two straws, and snuggling up to a good movie in a really cool car.
  • Hit the tracks! Did you know that you can go to a racetrack and speed around as fast as your heart desires? Warning: This one is not for the faint of heart.
  • Go off-roading. If you want to get down and dirty, there is nothing better than an SUV/truck and a whole lot of rough terrain.
  • Cruise away. A nice leisurely drive with good tunes is a classic date that will never go out of style. For bonus points, choose a destination that is slightly off the beaten path and has some quirkiness and charm.
  • Car day. Set aside a Saturday and plan to wash your vehicles as a couple.  This is a great way to be productive, spend quality time together, and have fun.